Community and School-Based Mentoring Programs
Stark County has a variety of community and school-based mentoring programs. If you would like to be a mentor or if you are looking for a program for yourself or your child, check out these opportunities and contact them to get involved. If you can't find a program that fits your needs, let us know what you are looking for by filling out our How Can We Help? form .
Description: Designed to help empower and encourage youth, who are on or off the right path in life, to see the good in themselves & others. Serves young men and young woman ages 10-16 through six-week mentoring academies offered at various times throughout the year. Also offers tutoring, ACT prep, and other events and activities.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking high school students for paid tutoring and to serve as student ambassadors along with adult mentors interested in providing career exposure for mentoring academy students.
One Center for Leadership
901 Tuscawaras St. E
Canton, OH 44707
(330) 754-6881
Contacts: Lamar Sharpe, James Fye, NaSheka Lemon
Description: Runs free summer sports camps, provides mentorship for student-athletes and serves third graders in partner school districts through "Guys With Ties" program, which focuses on professional behavior and life skills. Provides internships for high school students interested in gaining marketing and social media experience.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking school district partners and adult male mentors within the school to be daily role models of the values taught int he program.
PO Box 8516
Canton, OH 44711
Contacts: Devin Jordan
Description: Offers a variety of programming to meet the educational, social, emotional and recreational needs of young women 5-17 years of age, Hosts an annual Princess Party.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking adult female mentors to help with programming, fundraising, leadership development of young women.
(234) 804-6850
131 Tremont Ave SE
Massillon, OH 44646
Contact: Ke'AunteTynette
Description: Serves youth 6-18 years of age with a mission to create and support one-to-one relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. Also offers site-based after-school mentoring with partner school districts with
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking mentors 18 and older for one-on-one mentoring for children 6-18 years old; Also seeking high school students to mentor middle and elementary school children in after-school programs.
(330) 376-6503
50 S. Main St.
Suite LL 110
Akron, OH 44308
Description: Works to inspire and enable all young people to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens through education, career, character and leadership development programming, along with arts, sports and recreation activities.
Mentor Opportunities:
Seeking adult volunteers to assist with field trips and programming.
(330) 833-4395
730 Duncan Street SW
Massillon, OH 44647
Contact: Vince Pedro
Description: Prepares young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking volunteers to be den leaders, Scoutmasters, or merit badge counselors.
2301 13th Street NW
Canton, OH 44708
Contact: Sarah Biltz
(330) 473-9872
Chris Hyde - Alliance and Minerva
(330) 904-2823
Description: C.A.S.T. represents a diverse group of both adults and students who feel we are truly blessed to be a blessing and long to give back in our community. They work with students from Early College Academy and Timken Early College High School in Canton.
Mentor Opportunities: C.A.S.T. has something for everyone! If you have a heart for serving, we can help! We partner with the Refuge of Hope, Habitat for Humanity, the JRC Adult Day Care Center and Learning Center and now have C.A.S.T. groups at both the Early College Academy and Timken Early College High School in Canton.
Facebook: CAST-Caring and Serving Together
(330) 806-5742
Description: Local recreation center operated by Canton Parks and Recreation that engages the community though a variety of educational programming, sports, recreation and camp activites, leadership development and mentoring.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking volunteers to assist with all programming and activities.
1400 Sherrick Rd. SE
Canton, OH 44704
(330) 489-3350
Description: Provides music lessons, instruments, education, training, art, theater, dance, voice, drumline, agriculture, graphic design, & YouTube 101 classes free of charge to urban youth ages 5-18.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking adult mentors to assist with youth programming and events.
1014 Cleveland Ave NW
Canton, OH 44702
(330) 546-7724
Contact: Betty Smith
Description: Uses the game of golf to teach character to young people ages 7-18 through classes, leagues and school-based sessions.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking high school and adult golf enthusiasts to assist with golf programs/classes, events, administrative and board positions and facilities/landscaping.
2525 25th St. NE
Canton, OH 44705
(330) 452-5331
Contact: Mindy Pamer
Description: A National Service tutoring and mentoring program serving children from birth to the age of 21. Running nation-wide since 1965, Foster Grandparents work with students in schools, Head Starts, community centers, and other public, non-profit contexts with the goal of helping young people reach their academic and personal potential.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking Stark County residents aged 55 and older who enjoy working with children and can pass a thorough background check (paid-for by the program.) As part of the War on Poverty, Foster Grandparents must meet income-eligibility requirements; they then receive a tax-free, non-reportable stipend to defray the cost of volunteering. 20 hours of pre-service training and on-going in-service training is provided.
Phone: 330-677-3939 ext 204
Contact: Macy Martin
Description: With over 50+ brick and mortar locations across the United States and Mexico and 200 inquiries to start new locations all over the world, GiGi’s Playhouse is the only network of Down Syndrome Achievement Centers. Every day, Gigi's provides FREE, life-changing therapeutic, educational and career training programs for 30,000+ individuals of all ages.
Volunteer Opportunities: GiGi’s Playhouse is a volunteer-run organization that relies on the skill and dedication of volunteers of various levels of expertise to keep programs vibrant, educational, fun and free. Volunteers serve in GiGi’s Playhouse programs, events, administrative offices, and on our Board of Members.
4061 Bradley Circle NW
Canton, OH 44718
(330) 493-9114
Contact: Megan Vance
Description: Prepares girls for a lifetime of leadership, success, and adventure in a safe, no-limits place designed for and by girls.
Mentor Opportunities:
Looking for troop volunteers and service unit leaders to start troops, mentor girls and facilitate Scout activities.
Description: Inspires girls to recognize their inner strength and celebrate what makes them one of a kind. Trained coaches lead small teams through our research-based curricula which includes dynamic discussions, activities and running games. Over the course of the ten-week program, girls in 3rd-8th grade develop essential skills to help them navigate their worlds and establish a lifetime appreciation for health and fitness. The program culminates with girls positively impacting their communities through a service project and being physically and emotionally prepared to complete a celebratory 5K event.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking volunteers to coach a team or volunteer for their 5Ks, also interested in partnering with groups to create opportunties for connection.
237 Tuscarawas St. West Suite B
Canton, OH 44702
(844) 446-8779
Description: Serves girls ages 6th-12 grade who are navigating challenging circumstances by providing mentoring and supportive programming.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking adult mentors for in-school, after-school, Monday and Wednesday night, and one-on-one mentors; Also looking for volunteers for driving, food prep, child care, baking, and special events.
213 E. Nassau St.
East Canton, OH 44730
(330) 495-2970
Contact: Patti Hostetler
Description: Leader's Edge is a non-profit focused on the development of positive values and decision making for middle school students. Leader's Edge has teamed with Anti-Virus Youth to bring a dynamic 10-week program to area middle schools.
The Leader’s Edge AV Program provides materials as well as trained mentors to go into schools. The program currently serves over 60 schools and over 9,000 students annually in Northeast Ohio. This includes Stark County as well as 15 other counties.
Mentor Opportunities: Mentors are needed to present the Leader’s Edge AV Program in local schools one day a week across a 10-week period. Mentors are screened, and trained prior to being employed as a mentor. Mentors are paid an hourly wage for mentoring, and a typical school assignment is 10 days of work across a 10-week period.
(330) 440-5651
PO Box 53
Dover, OH 44622
Contact: Ted Gerber- Educational Director LE/AV
Description: Builds small group mentoring relationships between community members and 4th-8th graders in school-day based meetings that focus on smart decisions, responsible academic performance, and positive behavior modifications.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking adult mentors able to meet with student groups once a week during the school day throughout the school year.
708 Tremont Ave SW
Canton, OH 44647
(330) 704-8007
Contact: Eugene Lingenhoel
Description: Serves school-age youth of southeast Canton through after-school programs, ministry clubs, summer activities and acts of service.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking adult mentors to assist with career exploration and business-building activities
1931 3rd St. SE
Canton, OH 44707
(574) 233-7901
Contact: Darrin Nissley
Description: Serves Alliance City Schools students through weekly career and life skill-focused sessions over the lunch hour.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking adult mentors to share career insight and life experiences in group sessions and assist with one-on-one mentoring when needed.
Family Empowerment Ministries
(240) 271-6201
425 E. Market St.
Alliance, OH 44601
Contact: Raymont & Brenda Johnson
Description: Offers high school nights on Mondays and middle school nights on Tuesdays from 6-9pm that includes hang-out time, games, dinner, mentoring discussions and basketball.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking volunteers as speakers, group mentors and to play basketball
3rd Street Community Church
1253 3rd St. SE
Canton, Ohio
330. 961.1253
Contact: Nate Chester
Description: Men of Tomorrow provides male mentors for one-on-one mentorship for students ages 8-18. Through its partnerships with court systems, schools and community organizations, Men of Tomorrow identifies young men, with an intentional focus on African American young men, who may have a turbulent transition to adulthood and offers positive male role models and a positive support system through one-on-one and group activities.
Mentor Opportunities: Men of Tomorrow provides opportunities for male role models who provide assistance with family and school issues and work with youth to build self-esteem, self-respect and hope.
Men of Tomorrow
116 Cleveland Ave NW, Suite 625
Canton, OH 44702
(330) 754-0192
Contact: Jamar Fleming
Description: She Elevates, Inc exists solely to equip girls ages 8 – 14 to be confident leaders, entrepreneurs and CEOs. Our pathways are through the She Elevates Academy, Shadow Mentorship Program, Confidence Conference and the National She Elevates Day. She Elevates also offers a Life Skills program for girls in partnership with school districts.
Mentor Opportunities: Partners with businesses, governments, non-profits and other organizations who are interested in empowering young girls to become future business owners and leaders.
901 Tuscarawas St. E
Canton, OH 44707
Contact: DeLores Pressley
Description: Serves Alliance students ages 8-18 and features activities to teach young people how to cook and build skills in singing, music, keyboard and art.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking adult volunteers who enjoy teaching youth the skills taught in the program.
Family Empowerment Ministries
(330) 903-7007
425 E. Market St.
Alliance, OH 44601
Contact: Brenda Johnson
Description: Serves elementary, middle school and high school students from Canton City Schools with faith-based programming that impact children’s lives mind, body and soul.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking high school and adult mentors willing to dedicate one hour a week to build relationships with students through cooking/serving a meal, driving a van, helping with homework, or simply spending time connecting.
530 Tuscarawas St. W
Canton, OH 44702
PO Box 80213
Canton OH 44708
(330) 353-9697
Contact: Maquitta Stokes
Description: Serves middle school students through school-based programs and summer camps, helping them grow personally, prepare vocationally, and impact civically.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking adult mentors to provide advice, encouragement and expertise to middle schoolers developing their ideas to serve the common good.
715 Market Ave. N
Canton, OH 44702
(330) 617-4753
Contact: Joel Daniel Harris
Description: Hosts youth-focused community events and builds partnerships that results in stronger relationships between members of the community.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking volunteers to assist with event planning and execution.
Walking With A Purpose
Contact: Ron Seymour & LaTony Baker
Description: YMCA Leaders Club is a National YMCA Club that gives teens in grades 6 to 12, an opportunity to gain real-life, hands-on, leadership experience through volunteer opportunities and training at the Y, assisting in planning activities for their local YMCA, weekend retreats (Rallies), Youth & Government State Assemblies and the Great Lakes Leaders Training School (Mt. Vernon Nazarene University). Through volunteering and leadership they will gain insight into helping others and the importance of teamwork within their YMCAs, schools and communities. Stark County YMCA's also host many family, youth and teen events and activities.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking volunteers to assist with Teen Leader programming and other youth-oriented activities.
Family, Youth and Teen programs
YMCA Locations and Contact Info
Lake Community YMCA Teen Leaders
Contact: Zac Piersol
Louisville YMCA Teen Leaders
Contact: Arryn Slutz
Meyers Lake YMCA Teen Leaders
Contact: Ricky Lovell
North Canton Community Building Teen Leaders
Contact: Madison Staib
Paul and Carol David YMCA Teen Leaders
Contact: Shawn Stone
Description: High school sophomores from all county districts meet through-out the school year in this two-year program to build leadership potential, learn the power of the individual or group to initiate community transformation, and gain an increased sense of self-determination. They learn their areas of personal strengths and how to use them to create a life of success, meaning, and fulfillment.
Mentor Opportunities: Seeking area professionals and companies interested in participating in activities or hosting site visits as part of the program curriculum.
Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce
222 Market Ave N
Canton, OH 44702
(330) 458-2095
Contacts: Stephanie Werren